August 7, 2009

My life in pictures.....

First up, we have my sister Yolanda or "Yoli". I've always wanted a sister and I got pretty lucky with her. Then we move on to the brother, Humberto. I don't think I've ever seen him without a smile on his face. And he's been sick recently! (no's not the swine flu). With him is the family treasure, Coqueta. She kind of runs things around here. Next up are the parents. The dad is a retired math teacher, but he still works. He spends weeks at a time out in the coffee fields (about 1-1.5hr away from home). He was here for my first 3 days and he was here for this past weekend, but that's all. When he is home, he loves to practice his English. It's pretty random. Like his new phrase he was so excited he learned was "All you can eat". I guess he saw it on a sign somewhere. And then he told me something was "free" and he later realized the word "freeway" was similar. Don't ask. It's very random. My Spanish is just the same though! haha

I've made some pretty amazing friends. There are about 14 of us in the group going to Universidad Nacional. Everyone is very nice and we have been planning lots of excursions together. Nothing like having to survive in a foreign country to bring people together. Meghan (girl in the pic) is actually from the Indianapolis area. We met up a few times before we came here and ended up flying into Liberia together. She's so much fun to be around! Never a dull moment.

The 2 girls in the other pic are Liz and Sarah. Liz and I actually go to Butler together and were friends before coming. We didn't plan on coming together, but then things happened with her first choice program and she ended up here. Sarah is from Alabama and goes to school in D.C. She is one of the nicest girls around. These are just a few of the people on the trip. It's been great getting to know everyone. We all come from different parts and backgrounds, but we have at least one thing in common--Costa Rica.

July 26, 2009

Thoughts, Updates, and Advice.

--I’m not a fan of the bus system. Too complicated.

--Never cross the street unless it is VERY clear in both directions. You will get hit otherwise.

--Do not confuse ombligo (belly button) and hormiga (ant). Especially when you are trying to explain that you found 100 ants in your closet this morning. It will cause mass confusion since they are trying to figure out how 100 belly buttons got there.

--I have classes at 8am Mon-Thurs. Yuck. But no classes on Friday:)

--When trying to open the house room, apparently is common to have to pull it back as you’re turning the key to unlock it. I did not know this and spent a good 5min trying to open the door while my brother sat inside, drinking lemonade, laughing at me.

--My last name went from McKibben to Mukibben to Muckibben to Mc Kibben. They only time it was ever right was when I sent in my application. After that, not so much.

--Never fall asleep while watching a move in the living room. You never know who is sneaking around the house with a camera.

--I have yet to sleep in past 8. I usually get anywhere from 4-7 hrs of sleep a night. And I’ve only taken ONE siesta. I’m a changed woman.

--I have perfected “the nod”. I know how and when to do it. It comes in handy when people are talking and you don’t have the slightest idea what’s going on. So you follow their movements and nod along. Works like a charm.

--I love coffee. I came to the right place.

--I still have bug bites from 2 weeks ago when I first arrived. And I keep getting news ones. Perfect.

--Classes start tomorrow. Oh. No.

--I have dressed in nice clothing (aka no gym shorts/tshirts—except for beach) for an entire 2 weeks now. Be impressed. I know I am.

Well, that’s all my randomness for now! I took pictures of the family and house. I will post them here soon.

July 21, 2009

Pura Vida.

--I spent 1 week in Liberia, Costa Rica, living with a family that wasn’t exactly the best experience I’ve had. But it's okay because I'm in CR:)

--My family in Liberia informed me that I was one of those “modern girls” who never eat anything. If you’re reading this, I assume you know me. It is quite the contrary. What I eat in the US is usually considered quite the decent amount, but here it’s not enough. For breakfast on the first day I ate a 2 pieces of toast, a big thing of yogurt, a café, and orange juice. I told the lady that this was a lot of food and I normally don’t eat this much…I didn’t want her to make so much next time. Bad idea. So for the remainder of my stay, they would make comments about how I never eat, but the exchange student next door always ate 2 or 3 plates of food. Aye!

--New Host Family. They are super great. They are all very nice and have a lot of patience. They also talk a very good rate, lol. I’m very happy with this family. The mom is very loving. The whole “mi casa es su casa” phrase applies.

--Mi hermana is getting married in November! And guess what? I’m going to be here for the wedding. They have already told me I’m coming:) She’s very friendly and I can’t wait to get to know her better.

--Mi hermano is in his first year of college. He’s going to be a gym teacher, lol. He’s very social and loves to talk, which is all to my benefit. The more I hear the more I learn. Whenever I don’t exactly understand something, he is like my translator….only he keeps it in Spanish. He finds different ways to say what others are saying. Super helpful.

--Mi mamá y mi papá are fabulosos. The dad likes to talk a lot and half the time I’m not even sure how he got himself on these random topics (Abraham Lincoln, the school system here, butter v. peanut butter….we had a 10 min discussion about what the difference was!).

--I now have a pet dog. Coqueta. She’s pretty and doesn’t bark or anything. She just sits there and lets you pet her.

--I start classes on Monday. Today we made our schedules. I won’t have classes on Fridays for the first time, and probably last time. I’m excited to get into a routine. Now I’m not even sure what to do, so I’m blogging while mamá is making some lunch.

--My Spanish is horrible, but I’m trying to practice as much as possible. I have learned a lot since I arrived a little over a week ago. I can’t imagine how much I’ll learn before I leave! Super exciting.

--Okay, it’s time to eat! Yummm. I’ll update ya’ll more later on.

July 3, 2009

Costa Rica.....only 8 days away!

So that I can keep more people up-to-date on what's going on with me while I'm down in Costa Rica, I will (hopefully) be able to post weekly updates.
Here's the latest:

Host Family.
I'm really excited about the family I was paired with! The mom is stay at home. The dad is an "agricultor" (farmer...ironic, huh?!). Not sure what kind though, but it should be interesting!
They also have two kids. A girl, age 23. A boy, age 18. I'm glad that the kids are around my age. I think it will make things a bit easier. They both are students also...even better!
The best part is I don't have to memorize too many names. The dad and son are both named Humberto. The mother and daughter are both named Yolanda. haha...I got off pretty easily there!

As it turns out, another girl from Indianapolis is going on this same trip. We worked it out so that we will be able to fly from Atlanta to Costa Rica together. SSOOO glad. I can't even imagine trucking it through an airport in a foreign country alone. We have also just found out that there are 2 other girls on the same flight! I'm sure we will have lots of time to get to know one another on the 4 hr flight.

We stay in Liberia for a week. Here we are going to start our intensive advanced Spanish class...whatever that means. We will also have a chance to hike up a volcano, go horseback riding, and go to a beach. Then we will have a 4-ish hr bus ride (motion sickness meds are highly recommended...yay) to Heredia (right outside of San Jose) where we will move in with our host families. During that week, we will be touring the town and university, schedule classes, and really just get familiar with everything.

I'm pretty sure my Spanish is nowhere near enough to get by. My current plan is to just hope that it will all "come" to me once I'm fully immersed. That's the best option I have! haha
I'm not sure how much internet access I will have, so I might not be able to update the first few weeks.
I will have many opportunities to do volunteer work during my stay. I'm probably most excited about that aspect of it. During orientation, we will receive info about all the various choices we have. Cannot wait!

I think that's enough for now! I'll keep you guys updated on everything. Thank you for all of your support and prayers! They mean the world to me:)

April 11, 2009

Why, yes, I am still alive.

This post is fully and 110% dedicated to my little brother, Kevin J. Ives.

It's been quite some time since I've posted anything....oops. But I have decided that I probably should since this blog will be what I use when I'm in Costa Rica to keep family & friends updated.

You know how there are certain things you see in movies, read about in books, and only hear stories about? Well Amy and I got to experience one of these events for ourselves.

What? Smash Tournament.
Translation: Nerd Fest 2009.

I learned that Smash is a videogame released about a year ago. Basically people just try to take each other out. Sounds like just about every other game.....except guitar hero. There's no violence in that one.
Where? Springfield.
After Amy and I got in the creepy, talking elevator and made it to the basement, this is what we saw. 25 tvs, wiis, and about 100 people. All coming together to determine who is the best Smash player of the Midwest.

When? Satuday.

Who? Men and possibly some women from all over the Mid West.
Representing Butler University were 2 men of Sigma Nu. Kevin and Albert. Kevin basically tore it up all day long. Best player in Indiana. Albert lost in doubles due to the fact that he killed his own partner.

Like any other human being, Amy and I had certain expectations going into this. We expected to see capes, plastic swords, and mainly just capes. Instead, we saw power ranger shirts, pilot goggles, and that---->
Enough said.

I feel like my horizons are broadened. None of us are your stereotypical Greek students....or even Geek students for that matter. Everyone has their own special talents. And no matter how nerdy they might appear to the outside world, I think they're pretty darn cool.

Amy and I reached a conclusion. We miss the days old days when we were kids. We had a little elementary/junior high throw back this weekend. Friday was spent at the movies watching Hannah Montana and slipping on slurpies. Then Saturday was spent at the above event along with the cousin's aau tourney afterwards. It was a flashback to our days of aau basketball and j.o. volleyball. Those days...the ones we had prior to this stress of life.
All this makes me remember how much I miss everything and everyone in the great state of OHIO.

June 27, 2008

Everything I need to know about life I've learned from the Gilmores

-God is a woman and lives in London
-Almost anything can be "dirty"
-Oy is the funniest word in the world.
-The four food groups consist of: fast food, junk food, frozen food, and take out.
-Always carry a book, you never know when you'll need it.
-Oy, with the poodles already!
-Coffee is essential for survival.
-Snow is magical.
-The difference between cows and humans is hay.
-Childbirth is like doing the splits on a case of dynamite.
-If men can name their kids after themselves, why not women?
-Never buy something just because its furry.
-Backwards baseball caps and flannel never go out of style.
-You can never have too many thanksgiving dinners.
-Booze is grown up milk and cookies.
-If you're frustrated with someone try pushing him into a lake.
-When stuck in a hopeless situation, climb out the balcony window.
-The answer to problems in the mid-east is, "I have to poop."
-Answer the pepperoni.
-Beware of jeep-hitting deer.
-Keep that horoscope, it may bring you luck.
-The last supper cannot be funky.
-How to communicate with your parents
-Floor boards are a great place to hide things.
-Green is the new pink.
-Pro/con lists are the only way to make important decisions.
-Devil egging someone's car is kathartic.
-The fish flies at night.
-The plural for cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac.
-You can't watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory without massive amounts of candy.
-Bloaty is not a word.
-It's very ladylike to feel drafts.
-Don't take mints from a restaurant, they contain urine.
-If all else fails, you can marry rich.
-If there is any impulse buying, make it chocolate.
-Rich people have hilarious sock drawers.
-Don't keep your valuables in the bottom drawer.
-If you die, your automatic vacuum will pick up the pieces and no one will ever find you.
-You can't order crispy fried without first ordering fries.

I would like to dedicate this to Miss CamCam and Marissa:)

February 13, 2008

I'm officially 19!

But there isn't really anything exciting that goes along with being 19, you know? I've always had something to look forward to: 15-only 6 months until I got my permit; 16-got my license; 17-I could get into R movies; 18-I could join the army, buy lottery tickets, and all that jazz.
But 19...just another notch in the stick of life.

I did have a good birthday though! My parents came the weekend before and brought cake:) ALL that cake was gone within 3.5 days...and no, I didn't eat it all myself!

The monday before my birthday, some girls from my unit and Spencer went to Naked Chopsticks (a japanese restaurant). Good food and good times.
On my actual birthday, I had to get up at 7am (yuck!)..but it ended well. Mike and I went to see Atonement. I love that movie now! It's really sad, but a powerful movie. Totally recommend it! And then I had some more cake.

Having your birthday in college is kind of funny, though. You get like 80 "notifications" on facebook of people writing "happy birthday" on your wall...and you have only really talked to less than half of them. During high school, everyone knew it was your birthday and whatnot...but at college only the select few who know you (and don't have to have facebook remind them!) know about it. But it's still a lot of fun.

Last Saturday, Mike and I were supposed to go to the Indianapolis Symphony--I have to go for a class. We went to his house to get the tickets, and he realized he got the dates wrong. So we ended up cooking (yes, I helped) dinner. It was a lot of fun. He gave me the job of grading cheese b/c he said it was the easiest. WRONG. I ended up with 2 broken nails and a bleeding pinky. So much for that.

Which somehow brings me to the weather. Within a weeks time we had 2 tornado warnings (in pic, we are in the basement), 1 class cancelation because of winter weather conditions, downpouring rain, sleet, and a lots of snow. HHmm...A Day after Tomorrow, anyone?

Now it's time to glide across the ice and go to the cafeteria! Never thought I'd miss my dad plowing off the roads.....the snow removal in Indy is HORRIBLE!

Stay warm:)