January 1, 2007

The New Year-- 2007

The year of graduation and starting college is now upon us. Whoo-rah! I have been waiting for this year for a long time now. I cannot wait to graduate... and not it seems closer than ever. Less than 6 months. But before I graduate, there are tons of things that have to happen first. Final college choices, roommates, exams, prom, homecoming, school trips, birthdays, and the many tests I will have to take. I've made it this far, I'm sure I can handle the rest.

I tried to come up with some new years resolutions..... I only came up with a few. Marissa knows one of them (lol) but we already failed at that one. The other is to care less about a lot of things. School: I get all worried about it a lot and I'm a senior, it's the year to have fun or worry. Doesn't mean I won't study, I just won't overdue it anymore. I've quite possibly already lost the salutatorian spot by .001 of a GPA point, so oh well. I tried my best and at the end of the day, that's all that matters to me. Drama: Stop caring about it. It's old and annoying after a while. Don't let people get me caught up in all of their drama. That's a new years resolution right there. That's about all I came up with.

Can't wait to see what the new year brings......
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and a fun New Years

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