July 3, 2009

Costa Rica.....only 8 days away!

So that I can keep more people up-to-date on what's going on with me while I'm down in Costa Rica, I will (hopefully) be able to post weekly updates.
Here's the latest:

Host Family.
I'm really excited about the family I was paired with! The mom is stay at home. The dad is an "agricultor" (farmer...ironic, huh?!). Not sure what kind though, but it should be interesting!
They also have two kids. A girl, age 23. A boy, age 18. I'm glad that the kids are around my age. I think it will make things a bit easier. They both are students also...even better!
The best part is I don't have to memorize too many names. The dad and son are both named Humberto. The mother and daughter are both named Yolanda. haha...I got off pretty easily there!

As it turns out, another girl from Indianapolis is going on this same trip. We worked it out so that we will be able to fly from Atlanta to Costa Rica together. SSOOO glad. I can't even imagine trucking it through an airport in a foreign country alone. We have also just found out that there are 2 other girls on the same flight! I'm sure we will have lots of time to get to know one another on the 4 hr flight.

We stay in Liberia for a week. Here we are going to start our intensive advanced Spanish class...whatever that means. We will also have a chance to hike up a volcano, go horseback riding, and go to a beach. Then we will have a 4-ish hr bus ride (motion sickness meds are highly recommended...yay) to Heredia (right outside of San Jose) where we will move in with our host families. During that week, we will be touring the town and university, schedule classes, and really just get familiar with everything.

I'm pretty sure my Spanish is nowhere near enough to get by. My current plan is to just hope that it will all "come" to me once I'm fully immersed. That's the best option I have! haha
I'm not sure how much internet access I will have, so I might not be able to update the first few weeks.
I will have many opportunities to do volunteer work during my stay. I'm probably most excited about that aspect of it. During orientation, we will receive info about all the various choices we have. Cannot wait!

I think that's enough for now! I'll keep you guys updated on everything. Thank you for all of your support and prayers! They mean the world to me:)

1 comment:

Dee said...

hey, just noticed that i missed a post!

all i have to say is that i am fully confident that your spanish is absolutely sufficient to get by....and more! hope you have enjoyed all your excursions so far, and have a safe trip tomorrow to your new temporary home!

i love you, and you know i'm praying for you!