July 21, 2009

Pura Vida.

--I spent 1 week in Liberia, Costa Rica, living with a family that wasn’t exactly the best experience I’ve had. But it's okay because I'm in CR:)

--My family in Liberia informed me that I was one of those “modern girls” who never eat anything. If you’re reading this, I assume you know me. It is quite the contrary. What I eat in the US is usually considered quite the decent amount, but here it’s not enough. For breakfast on the first day I ate a 2 pieces of toast, a big thing of yogurt, a café, and orange juice. I told the lady that this was a lot of food and I normally don’t eat this much…I didn’t want her to make so much next time. Bad idea. So for the remainder of my stay, they would make comments about how I never eat, but the exchange student next door always ate 2 or 3 plates of food. Aye!

--New Host Family. They are super great. They are all very nice and have a lot of patience. They also talk a very good rate, lol. I’m very happy with this family. The mom is very loving. The whole “mi casa es su casa” phrase applies.

--Mi hermana is getting married in November! And guess what? I’m going to be here for the wedding. They have already told me I’m coming:) She’s very friendly and I can’t wait to get to know her better.

--Mi hermano is in his first year of college. He’s going to be a gym teacher, lol. He’s very social and loves to talk, which is all to my benefit. The more I hear the more I learn. Whenever I don’t exactly understand something, he is like my translator….only he keeps it in Spanish. He finds different ways to say what others are saying. Super helpful.

--Mi mamá y mi papá are fabulosos. The dad likes to talk a lot and half the time I’m not even sure how he got himself on these random topics (Abraham Lincoln, the school system here, butter v. peanut butter….we had a 10 min discussion about what the difference was!).

--I now have a pet dog. Coqueta. She’s pretty and doesn’t bark or anything. She just sits there and lets you pet her.

--I start classes on Monday. Today we made our schedules. I won’t have classes on Fridays for the first time, and probably last time. I’m excited to get into a routine. Now I’m not even sure what to do, so I’m blogging while mamá is making some lunch.

--My Spanish is horrible, but I’m trying to practice as much as possible. I have learned a lot since I arrived a little over a week ago. I can’t imagine how much I’ll learn before I leave! Super exciting.

--Okay, it’s time to eat! Yummm. I’ll update ya’ll more later on.


Dee said...

the first lady i stayed with in costa rica said the same thing about me and my roommate. "you girls are so concerned about your figures that you won't eat!" no matter what i said or did, her opinion was unchanged. glad you like your new host family! they all sound wonderful :)

and i know your spanish isn't horrible! you WILL learn a lot of new words there, though, that are unique to costa rica. and you will learn the vos, if you haven't already.

coqueta: sounds appropriate from the way you describe her :)

thanks for the update! i love reading about this! let me know if you ever have any specific prayer requests :)

marissa finch said...

sounds like your first family would be perfect for me...i love breakfast!

your spanish is going to be so good, oh wait its already 100 times better than mine

cant wait to hear about your classes! PS: im done for the summer!!!!